You may have seen some people wear sunglasses indoors. Sunglasses are designed for outdoor use, so will using it indoors cause damage to the eyes?
Wearing sunglasses indoors is strongly discouraged. While it will not cause vision damage, wearing sunglasses indoors can lead to eye strain, fatigue, light sensitivity, blurry vision, and headaches. If you already have light sensitivity, wearing sunglasses indoors can make it worse.
Read on below to learn more about what happens to your eyes when you wear sunglasses indoors.
Is Wearing Sunglasses Indoors Bad for Your Eyes
There are many reasons why people may wear sunglasses indoors.
However, medical experts and opticians strongly advise against using sunglasses indoors. It will not cause any direct damage to your eyes and vision, but it can lead to unwanted side effects.
These include eye strain and fatigue, as well as blurry vision, headaches, and light sensitivity. There are no good reasons one can ever benefit from wearing sunglasses indoors. In fact, if you already have light sensitivity, doing so can make it worse.
Some people may benefit from wearing sunglasses indoors in the short term. But long-term, this can do more harm than good for your eyes.